Gyeon Q²R MarinePolish Step 2 is an effective polish, designed to leave a hologram free finish and a great level of gloss. It also has medium cutting power, making it a great product for one-step refreshments on gelcoat or yacht paint.
Q²R MarinePolish Step2 has proved its ability to work with both rotary and orbital polishers, being a very universal product. It provides a great, glossy finish free of holograms and other secondary defects.
How to use:
- Use Q²R MarinePolish Step 2 to perfect the finish and remove secondary defects.
- Low dust and no fillers ensure great finish and prompt workcycle.
- Use Q²M PolishWIpe and Q²R Degrease to remove the polish and leave a finish ready for coating.
CUT: 4
Bottle Size: 1 Litre